Paytm Customer Support: How to Reset your Paytm Password

paytm password reset
Do you forget your Paytm password? Don't try to open a new Paytm account. You can reset your account within simple steps.
Step 1

Get the Paytm customer support

paytm customer support

  • Just call above customer care number.
  • Press 1 or 2 to select the Language English/Hindi.
  • Then you will get a list of option to Change password, Movies, Events, Bank, Paytm wallet, Account related, Travel booking, shopping etc.
  • Press 1 to select the first option.
  • Then wait for a second and confirm the action by entering 1 again.
Step 2
Now you will get an SMS on your mobile number with a link to reset the password. Also, you will get the reset-link on your verified mail address with Paytm.
  • Open this link and Enter the new password.
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