Google Cardboard: The Low Cost Virtual Reality Headset

Google cardboard virtual reality headset

Google's virtual reality project is the "Google Cardboard". Commonly, it's called VR or virtual reality kit. The materials used for the production of this Gadget are very cheap and available anywhere.

This low-cost Headset uses the Magnet, Lens, and Cardboard like normal Materials and it's very easy to operate. This easiness and cost less separate it from other eminent companies' virtual reality projects.

It is used for viewing Google Maps, Earth and playing games with 3D effects. Google introduced this gadget with the aim of making a virtual reality for everyone.

Working of this Low-Cost Virtual Reality Headset

Google cardboard virtual reality headset
     In this image, two Plastic lenses are placed on the back. When the kit is fully Assembled, fix your smartphone on the front side. Before that, you must install the Google cardboard compatible app on your smartphone. The smartphone application plays a big role. It splits the images for each eye. The result is the virtual or stereoscopic image.

    The app is available on Playstore and also available on the App Store for  iPhone6 and 6+ users.

     If you want to make it yourself, Google allows you to make it happen. For this, they give you all support and technical information available.

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